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Hello Learners! Before jumping into the topic, first let us understand What is a diary writing? 

I am sure all of you must have heard about 'maintaining diary', or 'diary writing', some of you might also do it everyday. But how many of you really know the purpose of writing a diary? What are its steps? How to write a proper diary to score excellent marks in exams? 
To know more, continue reading! 

So, what is a diary writing? 
Diary writing is one of the most personal as well as informal form of writing. It can be based on one's personal experience, event, incident, description or narration that the writer finds worth to pen down in his/her diary. 
A diary writing does not have any particular format or style of writing. However, a good diary writing does contain the following features:

1. Place, Date, Day and Time-
In order to write good diary you must mention the place, the date, the day and time of writing.
For example:
26th December, 2012
Sunday 2 pm. 

2. A diary doesn't need any proper/ formal heading-
A good diary writing doesn't necessarily need any proper or formal heading. However, it is optional. If you want to give a formal heading then you can. The choice is yours! 

3. Style and Tone-
The style and tone is generally informal and personal. The tone can be highly philosophical or reflective. However, it depends on the subject. You can freely express your point of view, feelings and emotions. 

4. Signature- 
The diary is writer's personal document, so it doesn't need any signature. However, if you want to sign and write your name then you can do it. It is totally optional. 

5. Unique Style-
While writing a diary you can create your own unique style depending on the topic of your writing. 

Now read the following example of a diary writing to have a clear understanding of the same. 

Date : 20th December 2010 
Day: Friday 
Time: 10:00 pm 

Dear Diary, 
I woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning. We had breakfast and dressed up. Today we all went to Sunshine Amusement Park  near Pune. We reached there at 11am , bought our tickets and went inside. I was so thrilled to see the rides. My parents and cousin enjoyed the Thunder fall ride. My favorite ride was Water Splash. After a couple of hours, we had our lunch. Then again we had another Wave pool and the scariest ride that is the Space Gun. We got back to our home in the evening. It was the best experience I ever had with my family in which we all had a great time and enjoyed a lot. 


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