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Showing posts from August, 2023


UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT  Introduction  What is the full form  of UFO? Discuss in pairs the following. Do you think life exists on other planets? Is it possible for us to find out? Why/Why not? Would you like to meet someone from another planet? What do you think this person from another planet will look like? Draw a picture of it. In this lesson you will be reading an article about unidentified flying objects.  Millions of people through the centuries have claimed to have seen objects in the sky. Thousands have taken the trouble to record it and submit their reports to scientists, agencies investing UFOs, various ministries, astronomers, and even the police. Many of these were taken to be meteors, planets, balloons, gases, aircrafts, clouds and even mere figments of the imagination. But there has been a significant number of sightings that have gone beyond man’s explanation. It is true that disc-shaped objects have been sighted by many honest and sober people. Pho...


Night of the Scorpion I rememeber the night my mother  Was stung by a scorpion. Ten hours Of steady rain had driven him To crawl beneath a sack of rice. Parting with his poison flash  Of diabolic tail in the dark room he risked the rain again. The peasants came like swarms of flies  and buzzed the Name of God a hundred times  to paralyse the Evil One. With candles and with lanterns  throwing giant scorpion shadows  on the mud-baked walls  they searched for him: he was not found. They clicked their tongues. With every movement that the scorpion made  his poison moved in mother's blood, they said. May he sit still, they said. May the sins of your previous birth be burned away tonight, they said. May your suffering decrease  the misfortunes of your next birth, they said. May the sum of evil  balanced in this unreal world against the sum of good become diminished by your pain. May the poison purify your flesh of desire, and your spirit of am...


  In pairs discuss your answers to the following. Do you love God? Does God love you? How do you know? What types of person does God love? Now read the following poem and find out the answer to the third question. ABOU BEN ADHEM Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase) Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace, And saw- within the moonlight in his room, Making it rich and like a lily in bloom- An angel, writing in a book of gold. Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,  And to the Presence in the room he said, 'What writest thou?' The vision raised its head, And with a look made of all sweet accord, Answered, 'The names of those who love the Lord.' 'And is mine one?' said Abou. 'Nay, not so,' Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low, But cheerly still, and said, 'I pray thee, then, Write me as one that loves his fellow men.' The angel wrote and vanished. The next night, It came again with a great wakening light, And showed the names whom love of G...

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