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 The Road Not Taken

 This well - known poem is about making choices, and the choices that shapes us. Robert Frost is an American poet who writes simply, but insightfully, about common, ordinary experiences.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.



diverged : separated and took a different direction

undergrowth : dense growth of plants and bushes

grassy : covered in grass

wanted wear : had not been used 

trodden : walked on

claim : an assertion of right or a stronger argument

hence : here, in the future

Short Summary of the poem: 

In the poem "The Road Not Taken," a traveler walks in the woods and comes to a place where the path splits into two. Both paths look similar, so it's hard to choose. The traveler picks the one that seems less used. Later, he thinks about how that choice was important and made a big difference in his life. The poem is about how our choices, even when they seem small, can shape our future and make us who we are.


The poetic devices used in Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken," are discussed below with examples:

1. Metaphor: This means when something is described as if it were something else to suggest a similarity. In the poem, the “two roads” represent life choices. The roads are not literally roads but symbolize different paths or decisions one might take in life.

2. Imagery: This involves using descriptive language to create vivid pictures in the reader's mind. For example, “yellow wood” evokes the image of a forest in autumn, helping readers visualize the setting of the poem.

3. Symbolism: This device uses symbols to represent ideas or concepts. The roads in the poem symbolize the choices or paths we encounter in life. Each road represents a different direction or decision one can make.

4. Rhyme Scheme: This is the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line in a poem. "The Road Not Taken" follows an ABAAB rhyme scheme in each stanza, where the first and third lines rhyme with each other, and the second and fourth lines rhyme with each other. For example, in the first stanza: 

   - "wood" (A)

   - "stood" (B)

   - "where" (A)

   - "looked" (B)

   - "both" (A)

5. Alliteration: This is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in closely placed words. In the poem, phrases like “wanted wear” use the repeating “w” sound to create rhythm and emphasis.

6. Enjambment: This occurs when a line of poetry continues into the next line without a pause or end punctuation. It helps to maintain a flow and rhythm. In the poem, “And both that morning equally lay / In leaves no step had trodden black” are examples where the thought extends beyond the end of the line, connecting lines and creating a sense of continuity.

7. Personification: The roads are given human-like qualities, such as the ability to "want" wear, making them more relatable and emphasizing the theme of choice.

8. Repetition: The repetition of the word "I" and the phrase "two roads diverged" emphasizes the importance of the decision and the personal nature of the choice.

9. Irony: The final lines suggest a sense of finality and significance to the choice, even though the roads were described as nearly identical, highlighting the ironic nature of how decisions are often perceived in hindsight. 


Thinking about the Poem 

I.1. Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face?

Answer :  The traveller finds himself at a fork in a wooded path and faces the problem of choosing between two equally viable paths.He is unsure which path to take.

2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you.

(i) a yellow wood

(ii) it was grassy and wanted wear

(iii) the passing there

(iv) leaves no step had trodden black 

(v) how way leads on to way

Answer :

(i) a yellow wood :  'Yellow wood' refers to a forest in autumn, with leaves turning yellow, symbolizing a time of change or transition.

(ii) it was grassy and wanted wear : It describes the road that looks less traveled, with grass growing on it, suggesting it has not been used much.

(iii) the passing there : It refers to the act of walking along the road and considering its condition and choice.

(iv) leaves no step had trodden black : It indicates that the road has not been walked on recently, as no footprints have turned the leaves dark.

(v) how way leads on to way : It suggests that one decision leads to another, creating a continuous path of choices and consequences.

3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them

(i) in stanzas two and three?

(ii) in the last two lines of the poem?

Answer :

(i) In stanzas two and three, the two roads are described as nearly identical: both are equally grassy and not heavily worn, making the choice seem quite similar.

(ii) In the last two lines, the poet reflects on how the road he chose will make all the difference in his life, suggesting that the decision, though initially seeming minor, has profound and unique consequences.

4.What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean? (Looking back, does the poet regret his choice or accept it?)

Answer : In the last two lines of the poem, the poet seems to accept his choice and its impact on his life. He reflects on how choosing one path over another has made a difference, but he doesn’t clearly express regret.

II. 1. Have you ever had to make a difficult choice (or do you think you will have difficult choices to make)? How will you make the choice (for what reasons)?

Answer : No, I have not had to make any difficult choice till now in my life. But I think in future I will have difficult choices to make in my academic and professional career. I will make this decision on the basis of my interests and capabilities.

2. After you have made a choice do you always think about what might have been, or do you accept the reality?

Answer : After making a choice, I don't think about what might have been and I focus on accepting the reality and making the best of the decision I've made. 


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